I think you breasts are superb. What would I do? First, I would get a throbbing erection. Oh wait, you already made that happen. Okay, next I would let my tongue dance around your nipples. I might playfully.And gently.Nibble on them. Then I would get on top of you, press those beautiful breasts together around my big fat cock and tit fuck you while playing with your nipples with my fingers. I'll slide my cock between your breasts until the tip of my cock reaches your mouth. I would love to rub the tip of my hard dick across them as I stroke it for you.Just before you take me between your lips. I'd love to kiss and suck on your hot nipples and I'd love you to. Wrap your wonderful boobs around my chard throbbing cock. Your Beauties are Fabulous! I'd love to lick and suck on your nipples while you're on top of me, Rockin' My World! God, I love this close up view. I can almost smell the beautiful breast aroma and taste your puckered nipples.
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